Friday, 8 April 2016

Inca trail: day 2 April 3

The first nights camping was a bit restless but we woke early to tea and warm water for a wash. After breakfast we had a formal introduction to our team of porters.
Day 2 is notoriously hard. It involves climbing up 1200 metres via steep paths and rough stone stairs to Dead Woman Pass. By lunch time I was feeling dizzy and unwell and skipped lunch.
I took the second half of the climb very slowly so as to keep my breathing steady. Although I was going painfully slow my new pace meant I could continue without breaks. Jules and Celia waited for me at the top of the pass and the second guide, Jose, followed behind.
After the top of the pass there was a descending set of stairs and a further hike to the main campsite on the trail. A light rain had set in making the stones slippy. This stretch was harder for some than the climb. However, the cooler weather made my breathing easier.
We arrived in time for a late afternoon tea but we were too tired. Later we had another generous dinner and another night of camping.

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